Can You Flush Gunpowder Down The Toilet?

Do you have some leftover gunpowder that you don’t know what to do with? Maybe it’s from a past hunting trip or an inheritance from a family member’s collection. Whatever the reason may be, you might be wondering: Can You Flush Gunpowder Down The Toilet? Before you make any decisions, it’s essential to understand the … Read more

Can You Flush Slime Down The Toilet?

Slime, the squishy and sticky toy that has taken the world by storm, is a favorite among kids of all ages. But what happens when it ends up in the wrong place, like your toilet? As a homeowner, you may be wondering if flushing slime down the toilet is a good idea or if it’s … Read more

Can You Flush Latex Gloves?

Imagine this scenario: you’ve just finished using your latex gloves and you’re left with the question of what to do with them. Should you toss them in the trash or flush them down the toilet? It may seem like a simple decision, but the answer is not as clear-cut as you might think. With the … Read more

Can You Flush The Spider Down The Toilet?

Are you one of the many people who feel a shiver down their spine at the sight of a spider? Do you immediately think of squishing it or flushing it down the toilet? Well, before you take any drastic measures, let’s explore the question: can you flush the spider down the toilet? It’s not as … Read more

Can You Flush Salt Down the Toilet?

Are you stuck with an excess of salt and wondering how to dispose of it? Perhaps you accidentally added too much to your meal, or maybe your favorite salt scrub has gone bad. Before you make the decision to flush that salt down the toilet, let’s examine whether it’s a safe and sustainable option. Although … Read more

Can You Pour Liquid Fire Into The Toilet?

Have you ever found yourself with a clogged toilet and thought, “I’ll just pour some Liquid Fire down there”? While it may seem like the easy solution, this powerful drain cleaner can cause more harm than good. Liquid Fire contains sulfuric acid, which is highly reactive and can cause severe burns on your skin, eyes, … Read more

Can You Flush Bread Down the Toilet?

Picture this: you’re standing in your kitchen, staring at a lone piece of bread that you have no idea what to do with. You consider flushing it down the toilet – after all, it’s just organic matter, right? But before you make any hasty decisions, let’s explore whether or not flushing bread down the toilet … Read more

What To Do If Toilet Water Splashed on Me?

Have you ever felt the sudden, unwelcome sensation of toilet water splashing onto your skin? It’s undoubtedly a jarring experience that can leave you feeling grimy and repulsed. However, don’t let the initial shock overwhelm you. There are several steps you can take to clean yourself up and safeguard against potential health hazards. It’s crucial … Read more

Is Sour Milk Good For Septic Systems?

Do you ever find a carton of milk in the back of your fridge that’s past its expiration date? Instead of tossing it, consider this: sour milk might be beneficial for your septic system. Yes, you heard it right. While pouring spoiled milk down the drain may seem unappetizing, it can actually help with your … Read more

Will Ridex Dissolve Tampons?

Are you tired of dealing with clogged pipes and plumbing issues caused by flushing tampons down the toilet? You’re not alone. Many people have turned to Ridex, a powerful drain cleaner, in hopes of dissolving their tampons and preventing future problems. But, can Ridex actually dissolve tampons? Let’s find out. Before we get into that … Read more